Frequently Asked Timber Questions Skip to main content


Frequently Asked Questions


What is my timber worth? – Timber values can vary by region, type of timber present (pine or hardwood), quality of timber present (mature sawtimber or newly established or somewhere in between), and how much timber volume is on the property. The old real estate adage “Location, location, location” rings true when it comes to timber values, too. The closer you are to major market areas, the more valuable your timber can be. Hiring a professional to determine your timber value through an official timber appraisal is the best approach. A consulting forester will assess the value with your best interests in mind while taking into account all the aspects mentioned above that can determine timber value in your area.

Is it a good time to sell my timber? – Timing of a timber sale can be crucial to maximizing value. Consulting foresters are acutely aware of market conditions in your area and should be able to advise you on when to put your timber to market. All of this will be based on the client’s best interests and not the forester’s. Ups and downs in the timber market are common, as are other areas of our economy. Scheduling a timber sale during an upswing is at the forefront of the decision-making process. However, sometimes, the health and well-being of your stand of trees may come before market conditions. This is where a professional forester can assist you with this decision-making process.

How and when do I reforest my property? - After a harvest, we are often asked about the reforestation process. This is a service that we can provide to all of our landowners. Reforestation is typically a multi-stage process that first begins with the timber being cut. Once this occurs, we can assess when the property will need the appropriate site preparation. Site preparation typically involves chemical and/or mechanical processes that prepare the site for re-planting. This work is usually done in the summer to early fall. Each site is unique in what it requires, and your consultant will be able to address those site-specific requirements following the harvest. Once the site preparation has been completed, the reforestation process will take place. In the Southeast, this most often takes place anywhere from December to March. Certain requirements are needed for the new seedling establishment to be successful, such as how long the seedlings are left in the beds prior to lifting, proper storage of the seedlings, and ensuring they are planted correctly. A forester carefully oversees all of these aspects. Your forester will work closely with you to explore all cost-share programs that may assist you financially with reforestation as well.

What do your services entail? – When you hire us to represent you in the sale of your timber, we offer a turn-key approach to the process. We are involved in the entire process, including:
• delineating your sale area on the ground
• determining the value of your sale prior to marketing
• marketing the sale to prospective buyers in your area
• constructing the timber sale contract between the landowner and buyer
• weekly logging inspections to ensure contract compliance once harvest begins through completion of harvest
• assisting landowner through the reforestation process (cost share application, site prep)
• overseeing the planting of new seedlings