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Will Woodroof

Will Woodroof

Technical Services Manager

Return to Local Foresters

Will Woodroof, Technical Services Manager in Charlotte, North Carolina, started his career in 2008. He has a Bachelor of Science in Geography from Appalachian State University. He is a Certified GISP and a member of the Association of American Geographers.

Why did you pursue a career in forestry?
After getting my degree in Geography with an emphasis on GIS, forestry was a natural fit. I love maps and helping others create and use maps as a practical tool for managing natural resources.

What is your favorite part about your role at AFM?

My favorite part of my job is creating solutions to problems and helping create efficiencies with systems and better processes. In my role, that often looks like technical solutions or tools such as remote sensing, quick and easier GIS data collection, and building systems to help build a better sum of parts.

Get In Touch



704.527.6780 x307



8702 Red Oak Blvd., Suite C, Charlotte, NC 28217
